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Isaac Ch’ng Kai Xin

Misa de Aguinaldo



@ Isaac Ch’ng Kai Xin

Christmas is celebrated around the world, and many nations have integrated elements of their own cultures into Christmas, making it so much more special. The parol (the star-shaped lantern) is a common Christmas ornament in every Filipino household in the Philippines. The Filipinos in Hong Kong celebrate the Misa de Aguinaldo (Christmas midnight mass) every Christmas Eve at Chater Garden in Central. This celebration gives them a sense of home and belonging. “We’re at home, despite being away from home,” said Joshua, a Filipino person in Hong Kong.

Isaac Ch’ng enjoys exploring the cultures of different ethnicities, and he records all of his interesting encounters in photographs. He finds discovering new facts and stories about a different ethnicity very exciting.

世界各地都有慶祝聖誕節的習慣,許多國家會將自己的文化元素融入聖誕節,使其具獨特的地方色彩。星形燈籠是菲律賓家庭中常見的聖誕裝飾品。 每年聖誕節前夕,居住在香港的菲律賓人都會在中環遮打花園慶祝聖誕子夜彌撒,此慶祝活動使他們感到賓至如歸。 菲律賓人約書亞(Joshua)說:「儘管我們現在不是身處於菲律賓,但這樣的活動令我們有回到家的感覺。」

Isaac Ch’ng 喜歡探索不同種族的文化,並以攝影記錄他覺得有趣的見聞。探索不同種族的故事和獲得新知識令他感到興奮。


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