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Lee Oi Lam, Liz 李藹霖

Under Umbrella雨傘下



“Transgender” is an umbrella term, which includes cross-dressers and people whose gender identity is the opposite of their assigned sex. They are placed under this one umbrella, but transgender people are no different from us. We cannot judge a book by its cover, and we should respect and live with them.

Liz Lee is a first-year student in Business Administration (Honors) at Hong Kong Baptist University. She loves taking photographs, particularly of people and landscapes, and she is interested in LGBTQ issues. She supports the LGBTQ community and has followed issues affecting the community for several years. She is always thinking about how she can mix photography and LGBTQ issues.

跨性別是一個傘式術語:包括性別認同與出生時的指定性別相反的人至包含變裝人士,他們是在同一把雨傘下。而跨性別人士與我們並沒分別 ,我們不能以貌取人,我們應尊重及與他們共處。



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