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Ella Wong


A set of three photographs


@ Ella Wong

This piece recalls painful and sobering realities for LGBTQ individuals in a world unkind to those who are born different. As a commemoration for sexual minority peoples who have suffered violence, legal inequalities, social inequalities, and other forms of hate, this artwork harks back to events and periods of historical significance, referencing the pink triangle badges of the Third Reich, the Friday of the Purple Hand, and far-right Trojan Horse rhetoric. As a questioning individual with a queer partner, I hope this artwork inspires personal pride and remembrance in the viewer.

Ella Wong is pursuing her academic degree at HKBU's Academy of Visual Arts. Currently a Year 1 student, she aims to broaden her scope by experimenting with different art-making techniques. Ella hopes to one day bring attention to social injustice through her artwork.

這系列的照片旨在回顧現今社會以及歷史中性小眾人士飽受的痛苦。 為了向過去遭受暴力,法律不平等和社會不平等的性少眾致敬,這件作品引用了三個不同時期的同志象徵 — 分別為納粹集中營的粉紅三角臂章,1969年美國舊金山的「紫色手印」抗爭以及現今極右反同組織常用到的特洛伊木馬謬誤。

黃舜愉目前正於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院就讀視覺藝術。 作為一年級學生,她通過學習及嘗試不同的媒介和技術來拓寬自己對藝術的視野及知識。 Ella 希望能夠於未來透過作品闡明社會對弱勢群體以及小眾人士的不公。


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