Wong Shu Wai, Doris
Even if Only Once (Adaptation of the Lyrics to “The End”) 《那怕只有一次》
Music video
I changed the lyrics to “The End” (到此為止) by Shiga. Inspired by the real story of an interviewee called “K,” the lyrics reflect the psychological impact of a gay person’s unrequited love. The fear of social judgement has discouraged some in the LGBTQ community from expressing their romantic feelings.
S.W is a year 4 marketing student at Hong Kong Baptist University. She enjoys singing and playing guitar. She has covered several singers' songs, and this is her first attempt to modify lyrics from an existing song.
《那怕只有一次》歌詞改編自連詩雅《到此為止》一曲。以受訪者 K (化名) 的親身故事為靈感,歌詞描述了同性戀者在一段單戀中的心情和心理變化。社會批判使同志族群恐俱於追求自己的幸福。
S.W 是香港浸會大學市場學四年級學生。喜愛唱歌和彈結他。翻唱過其他歌曲,這是S.W首次進行歌詞改編。